
Maker Channel 103 – Smoke Rings, Theremin Orchestra, Pulse-Jet, Beer on CSPAN

Here are this week’s Maker Channel videos from Make: television. Theremin Orchestra – Masami Takeuchi’s instrumental ensemble looks amazing and sounds even better. Smoke Ring Machine – Ali Momeni shows off his programmable smoke ring generator. Pulse-Jet Bike – Robert Maddox pulse-jet engine-powered bike makes tracks. [Trouble Maker] Drink Beer on CSPAN – Bill Barminski […]

Elaborate Mini-Theremin casemod

Elaborate Mini-Theremin casemod

James “Dr. Krazy X” McCracken III sent us pictures of his steampunk-y take on the Gakken Mini-Theremin kit build. Mini-Theremin The theremin, invented in 1919 by Russian scientist Leon Theremin, is one of the world’s earliest fully electronic instruments, and is also unique in that it was the first musical instrument designed to be played […]

Matrioshke doll theremin

Matrioshke doll theremin

Matryomin is the unique, original erectronic musical instrument invented by Masami Takeuchi in 1999. It is a type of theremin – oldest electro-musical instrument invented in Russia – shaped Russian traditional wooden doll, Matrioshka. It hold form of Matrioshka perfectly, moreover, performing five octaves range. The distance of 1 octave at Low-Middle range is equal […]

How To – ‘Theremin’ on the cheap

How To – ‘Theremin’ on the cheap

Popsci has a quick how-to on building theremin-esque device for under 20 bucks – A full-fledged Theremin will set you back nearly $400, but with the instructions below, you can build a pocket-sized Theremin-like instrument that won’t break the bank. Unlike the real McCoy which relies on grounded variable capacitance for changing frequency and volume […]