
Inland Empire MMF and Collaboration

Inland Empire MMF and Collaboration

The juggernaut of Maker Faire continues to shoot skyward. Last year there were 100 Faires. This year there will be around 135 and recently there were 10 Maker Faires on a single weekend for the first time. Next year who knows how many more there will be? However, one thing is certain. The newest Maker Faire was […]

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Members of Vocademy Making Cool Stuff!

Inland Empire Mini Maker Faire October 4th (Call for Makers)

Check out California’s newest Maker Faire, the Inland Empire Mini Maker Faire held at the Vocademy Maker Space in Riverside California on Saturday October 4th from 10:00am to 6:00pm. If you have a cool project you’d like to show off to the world then check out their Call for Makers and sign up to exhibit! […]

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