Your Own Honey Cow
Make a simple beehive and enjoy the sweet fruits of your labor.
Make a simple beehive and enjoy the sweet fruits of your labor.
Many years ago I replaced my dead dishwasher with a new one. Before hauling the old one to the dump I figured I would try to convert it into a spray paint booth. My at-the-time booth was a cardboard box, with an old cookie sheet, sitting over a large trash can and it did not […]
Several years ago I watched a viral YouTube video that starred Jerry the Dachshund, whose engineer owner had built him his very own automated ball launcher. I had two dogs at the time, and was also unemployed with some time on my hands, so I decided to try my hand at building one. After a […]
Last night I dreamed of a magical material that would be bendable like metal, as easy to shape as wood, and would never warp, split, or splinter. It would be washable, would never need painting, and would last almost forever. This morning, when I sat down at my desk, the stuff from my dream was […]
Make a chair that’s comfortable, looks good, reclines, disassembles for compactness and portability, and can be made from just a single sheet of plywood.
Before moving off to college I wanted to build something that would be suitable as a kitchen table and double as my desk for studying. It needed to be sturdy and robust enough to last through college and for the years to come, yet I did not want to build a piece of furniture that […]