
Mix Up Your Own Cocktail Bitters

Mix Up Your Own Cocktail Bitters

Bitters add a little depth and mystery to the flavor of cocktails and nonalcoholic drinks. You can buy one or two brands in most supermarkets, but why not make your own? It’s so easy, and you can experiment with all kinds of flavors. You can follow this bitters recipe, find a recipe online, or create […]

Home Perfumery

Home Perfumery

This all started when my Mom was exposed to radiation and developed a super-power. Seriously. At 58, my mother was treated for cancer with injections of radioactive iodine. When it was over, her cancer was gone, but she’d developed an unnaturally acute sense of smell, which seems to be permanent. She soon became fascinated with […]

Skittles Vodka

Skittles Vodka

My housemates and I were planning a party, and we decided that an excellent drinking game would involve shooting all the colors of the rainbow. And thus, Skittles Vodka was born.