Make: Volume 49 – Super (Cheap) Computers

Whether you know them as single-board computers, microcontroller boards, SoC boards, or credit card-sized supercomputers, we just call them boards. In this issue, we teach you how to pick a board for all kinds of different projects including education, home automation, wearables, robotics, and light & sound projects. Make: Volume 49 is the only guide you’ll need to boards in 2016. In this issue:

  • How to Choose a Board
  • Know your Board
  • Security and the Internet of Things
  • New boards like CHIP, Raspberry Pi Zero, and the ESP8266
  • Hacking Teddy Ruxpin
  • DIY Bacon
  • Reddit Thinking Man Printer
  • A Concrete Japanese Lantern

ON THE COVER: Sub-$10 boards Raspberry Pi Zero, C.H.I.P., and ESP8266.

Table of Contents


Reader Input

Thoughts, tips, and musings from readers like you.Page 08

Welcome: Master of the Esoteric

To make the best robots, you have to master wildly disconnected fields.Page 10

Made on Earth

Explore the amazing convergence of art and DIY technology.Page 12

Pullout: Boards Guide

Know Your Board I From Arduino to Pi, here’s a breakdown of how these high-tech tools work. Table of Boards III A handy chart for all the boards and specs you need to know. Hats, Capes, and Shields VI Take your project to the next level with an expansion board.Page 13


Grime Fighters

A network of DIY environmentalists is helping monitor cleanups and busting polluters.Page 16


Bang for Your Buck

What happens when computing is effectively free?Page 28

IoT Security

These steps help ensure safety when hooking your project into the cloud.Page 32

How to Choose a Board?

Advice to help narrow the field and find the right controller for you.Page 33


Get the best brain for your bot.Page 34

Light and Sound

Boards to make your projects shine.Page 36


Small, low-profile controllers for the Maker about town.Page 37


Useful boards for learning to code.Page 38

RPi AirPlay Receiver

Stream your tunes to a Raspberry Pi.Page 39

Home Automation

Solid options for working with the IoT.Page 40

Smartphone Garage Opener

Control your door with a simple app.Page 41

Chippy Ruxpin

Give Teddy a C.H.I.P. transplant and he’ll speak anything you type or tweet.Page 42



Build a Concrete Lantern

Inspired by Japanese gardens, this easy-to-cast project looks good for decades!Page 54

1+2+3: 15-Minute Stilts

Make a simple pair of customizable wooden stilts for about $20.Page 59

DIY Pancetta and Bacon

Praise the pork belly! Two of the world’s best cured meats are easy to make at home.Page 60

High-Tech Honey

Enable a beehive to track its weight, humidity, temperature, and battery voltage online.Page 66

A Flood of Thoughts

Modify a mannequin to print random musings from Reddit.Page 68

Remaking History: Giovanni Venturi and the Venturi Effect

Rediscover the phenomenon that gave us carburetors, paint sprayers, and your gas barbecue grill.Page 70

Electronics Fun & Fundamentals: The Insomniac’s Friend

Hack a night light with an adjustable red LED for better sleep.Page 76

Battery Testing Tweezers

Sort your coin cells in a snap.Page 78

Super-Size DIY Helping Hands

Repurpose a floor lamp to create a heavy-duty multi-arm tool.Page 79


Review: ZYYX 3D Printer

A few sensor tweaks could take this well-rounded machine to the next level.Page 81

Tool Reviews

Large bore drill bits, Leatherman Tread bracelet, Actobotics rover chassis, Raspberry Pi robot starter kit, and more useful gear.Page 82



Welcome to the Shire’s newest high-rise.Page 88