DIY Hacks and How Tos

Dollar Store Hack for Christmas: DIY Superhero Wall Clock

Dollar Store Hack for Christmas: DIY Superhero Wall Clock

With Christmas just around the corner, our collective minds are already contemplating what gifts we will battle the masses for after the Thanksgiving holiday. While we know there are certain gifts we want to get for loved ones and friends that will require tolerating excessive mall crowds, cutthroat parking and a dedication to Zen patience […]

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DIY Hacks & How To’s: Snow Monitoring Scale

DIY Hacks & How To’s: Snow Monitoring Scale

Need to shovel the snow off your driveway? Build on these first.

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DIY Hacks & How To’s: Make a Simple Intercom From a Pair of Corded Phones

DIY Hacks & How To’s: Make a Simple Intercom From a Pair of Corded Phones

In this project, I show you how you can make a simple intercom system from a pair of old corded telephones. The phones already have all the circuitry that is needed for processing a voice call.

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DIY Hacks & How To’s: Adjustable Power Outlet

DIY Hacks & How To’s: Adjustable Power Outlet

There are a lot of electrical devices that only have two settings: ON and OFF. For a many of these, it would be helpful if you could adjust the output with an external circuit. In this project, I show you how to make an adjustable power outlet. This circuit acts as an external dimmer and can be used to adjust the power on a variety of appliances such as Lamps, heaters, soldering irons, and hot glue guns.

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DIY Hacks & How Tos: Glowing Treasure Chest

DIY Hacks & How Tos: Glowing Treasure Chest

We have all seen movies and TV show where someone opens a treasure chest and the treasure inside is so shiny that the container is glowing as soon as it is opened. I thought that this would make a great effect for Christmas presents. So I made a small treasure chest with a built-in light that turns on when it is opened. The lights are activated by a normally open momentary switch.

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