Month: July 2012

Meet Vancouver Maker, Dan Royer

photo by bluemollusc Vancouver Mini Maker Faire happened last month and one of the highlights for me was seeing Dan Royer’s drawbot kits on display. Dan is a member at our local hackerspace, VHS, and he’s been diligently prototyping his kits all year, with vast improvements made along the way. Dan’s dream is to see […]

MAKE at DEFCON, Day Three

DEFCON is not just about using technology to create or solve problems. Legal, social, and cultural factors come into play as well. While “Social Engineering” plays a part in con life, with talks, competitions, and gaining entry to parties, other people and organizations at the conference are keen to change behavior at levels from international […]

Hardware the Hard Way

Hardware the Hard Way

Aside from helming Wired MAGAZINE, Chris Anderson is Well Known to makers as co-founder of the DIY Drones community of unmanned aerial vehicle enthusiasts. Collaborating at, in 2008 the group revolutionized amateur robotics by creating a drone autopilot based on the cheap, open source Arduino microcontroller (see MAKE Volume 19). The ArduPilot turns any […]