Search Results for: chicken coop

1 - 20 of 55 results
Automatic Chicken Coop

Automatic Chicken Coop


Growing up on a farm, there were many unpleasant tasks. Summers were filled with backbreaking labor, not to mention the...

How-To: Automate Your Chicken Coop

How-To: Automate Your Chicken Coop


Chickens are notoriously low-maintenance animals to keep, and if you’re drawn to homesteading, even in urban environments, getting a couple...

Amazing Home-Built Chicken Coop


This chicken coop from Heather Bullard is simply amazing. The details are gorgeous and it’s incredibly functional, too. Along with...

Clothes dryer chicken coop

Clothes dryer chicken coop


Saw a piece on the news last night about the increase in urban chicken coops. Here’s one quick n’ dirty...

Mark makes a chicken coop

Mark makes a chicken coop


On Dinosaurs and Robots, our very own Mark Frauenfelder (MAKE Editor-in-Chief) has been documenting his backyard chicken coop build. Building...

Automatic coop door opener


The latest issue of MAKE, Volume 22, contains an automated chicken coop door opener project, by Alan Graham (Portland, OR)....

How-To: City Dweller Chicken Tractor

How-To: City Dweller Chicken Tractor


Instructables user jrossetti writes: In this instructable, I’ll outline the requirements for a small chicken tractor for the backyard chicken...

Ikea coop

Ikea coop


Via Patti Scheindelman’s New World Geek comes word of this nifty “Ikea hack,” a chicken coop made from an Ikea...

Unpacking Our Chickens


After several rounds of possum-, dog-, and raccoon-related mishaps, we’ve just received our third round of chickens. Here’s my patient...

Chicken Scratch Embroidery


Today I’ve unexpectedly come across not one, but two blogs talking about Chicken Scratch Embroidery, also called Depression Lace. Above...

Workshop: Shawn Thorsson

Workshop: Shawn Thorsson


Down a dusty road in the eggs-and-butter town of Petaluma, Calif., sits a big, handmade pink Victorian complete with chicken...

Windshield Wiper Motor Mods

Windshield Wiper Motor Mods


A selection of maker projects using modified windshield wiper motors. Examples include halloween props, chicken coop doors, and robot dogs....

1 - 20 of 55 results

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