After being inspired by what the folks over at i3 Detroit were doing by holding a Bob Ross paint-along, I decided earlier this year that my makerspace, kwartzlab, should run an oil painting class. We affectionately call this workshop series the Bob Ross Paint Along. We create landscapes using the wet-on-wet technique that Bob Ross taught in his show, The Joy of Painting. No experience is required to participate in this group workshop, making it a great way to jump into oil painting at a low cost.
I encourage everyone to get in touch with your local arts or maker groups and find an oil painter who is a) willing to wear a wig, and b) enthusiastic about sharing their oil painting techniques in a class setting. It’s a lot of fun, and you will be amazed at what you can create.
Check out the photo recap from the first-ever Bob Ross Paint Along that kwartzlab hosted earlier this year.