Craft Space: Rachel Hobson

Craft & Design Yarncraft

CRAFT: Make Space for Crafting
As we wrap up what has been one of my favorite series here on Craft, I thought I’d share a few pictures of my craft space with you. While I haven’t completed my organization and decoration, I do have some major elements squared away and they make me very, very happy.
My craft space/office occupies our fourth bedroom, so I’ve been lucky enough to have a lot of space to spread out and store stuff. I’ve also been lucky enough to acquire hand-me-down office furniture from my parents, which I’ve combined with some thrift-store finds and new shelving to really round out the space. Since I’ve made places for everything, I find that cleaning up is infinitely easier. My space may not always be spic and span, but it is always just 15 to 20 minutes from being completely tidied up, and that works just fine for me.
Read all about it and see more pictures after the jump!

Probably one of my very favorite parts of my craft space is my embroidered peg board. I’ve been wanting to embroider on peg board for ages, and finally got my act together to do it last fall. It took a while to find stitches that worked well, but once I settled on the running stitch, feather stitch and herringbone, I was all set.
I found handy little baskets at IKEA that I was able to hook on to the peg board to hold things that wouldn’t necessarily hang on a peg. I also used bolts pushed through from behind the peg board to create a place for storing thread. (side note: I wish I’d added about twice as many bolts so I could store more thread.)
I also used a small book and some peg board brackets to create a handy shelf! I love that I’m able to not only use it for functional storage, but also as a place to display some of my favorite trinkets from good friends and events.
I’ve got loads more pictures of my craft space (including a few shocking “before” ones) over on my Flickr stream. Enjoy!

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