Dust hood-to-lathe adaptation

Craft & Design Workshop

Gary is a friend of a friend of mine. He is a master of building high-quality solutions to problems in his shop. Just watch how he adapts a dust hood to his lathe. The notched stick he crafts for adjusting the hood angle is a thing of beauty.

I wanted an integrated way to hang one of my 2 Rockler brand dust hoods on the back of my lathe stand, and I wanted some ability to slide it left and right and change its angle to accommodate different uses. After thinking about it occasionally for a few months, I thought of an idea similar to the notched adjustment bars in some beach and lawn chairs. I picked up some brackets, screws, and aluminum tubing from the hardware store, and made it happen. The wood used later in the video for the notched angle is a sandwich of poplar with some 3/16″ hardboard (a composite wood) in the middle. This helps it match the rest of the stand a bit, as hardboard and lighter woods are used throughout.

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John Edgar Park likes to make things and tell people about it. He builds project for Adafruit Industries. You can find him at jpixl.net and twitter/IG @johnedgarpark

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