How-To: Sew a Fly Front on Pants and Shorts

Craft & Design Yarncraft
How-To: Sew a Fly Front on Pants and Shorts

Ready to tackle pants and shorts, but intimidated by the idea of sewing the fly? This fly front sewing tutorial from The Coletterie will show you everything you need to know!

Fly fronts can be very intimidating. The directions are often hard to follow and the illustrations downright cryptic. Today I’m going to show you step by step, with lots of photos, how to sew a fly front.

Head over to the site to see how it’s done!

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Haley Pierson-Cox from Red-Handled Scissors is a maker of crafts, a lover of cats, an avid swearing enthusiast, a cross-stitch book author, and a general purveyor of quirk. She's also sometimes an irritable cartoon named Tiny Cranky Haley.

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