Every year for the past few years, David Veloz Jr., a Navy engineer, has volunteered to facilitate an outreach program for high school students with an interest in science and engineering, and MAKE has donated magazines. The students always make a project from the issue we send, and this year, they made the Styrofoam Plate Speaker, originally published in MAKE Volume 12. David says:
Hi Laura, Hope everything is well at MAKE. We’re chugging along doing what we always do, making the Navy better. I just had the high school students visit a couple of days ago for my workshop/session. As always, I told them a bit about myself and what I do and what engineering is. Then we got started on the Styrofoam Plate Speaker project, which they were very excited about. I was so surprised at how smart these kids were. We were talking about how speakers work, we talked about current and copper and magnetic fields, and they followed along very easily and were able to answer all my questions. They asked me how to get the resistance of a wire, and we talked about surface area and integrals, they told me about divergence and convergence (Gabriel’s Horn, which I still have to look up), they asked about batteries and polarity and magnetic poles… they were a smart bunch. I was really impressed.
I let them know that MAKE magazine donated the magazines to them; I was surprised only a few students had heard of it. They were impressed and appreciative.
David is stationed at Port Hueneme, in southern California.
Veloz’ reports from past years: