Deep Sea Fishing from the Comfort of Your Living Room

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Deep Sea Fishing from the Comfort of Your Living Room

For those of us relaxing in the living room with fall’s crisp breeze howling outside, our thoughts are already reflecting on the winter that will be and the activities we can concoct to keep our children entertained on cold days in.

Especially for the fishing enthusiasts, the loss of summer means another year to wait for that golden opportunity to bond with our kids with fishing lure in hand, a still lake underneath and relaxed conversations about life abound.

I would like to share a fun way to bond and fish with family while staying warm and cosy in the living room.  Plus, no water or worms are necessary to catch these unique fish. With inexpensive and simple materials such as scrap cardboard, duct tape, spray paint and dollar store magnet sheets, Velcro and toy fishing rods, a portable ‘deep sea’ fishing game can be made with ease.

The fish (to be mounted on the magnets and/or Velcro) can be hand drawn and colored, cut out of magazines or printed from the internet. Points can be added to each fish to make a competition out of it.

Regardless of how you make your own indoor fishing game, have fun with your kids and have a blast trying to out-fish one another near the Christmas tree.  Cheers and happy fishing.

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As a fanatic crafting fan, inventor, author and designer, I just enjoy making new things for the fun of it! I operate an award-winning how-to You Tube channel called The Homemade Game Guru to share my love of creation with people worldwide. Utilizing cardboard in grandiose ways is my specialty.

I also run an unique online design class to help anyone create a Personal Family Tree Board Game. You can sign up for that class here.

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