How to Make Books by Esther K. Smith

Paper Crafts Workshop

Esther K. Smith’s How to Make Books: Fold, Cut & Stitch Your Way to a One-of-a-Kind Book came out late last year, but I only just got a chance to dig into it recently. It’s a gorgeous book, with thick chipboard covers and a kinetic layout that makes you itch to jump in and start making stuff yourself. The good news is, if you’ve got scrap paper and some easy to find supplies like an awl, linen thread and scissors, you’re good to go.
The book details various methods of bookbinding, from the simplest folded-paper quickies (“Instant Books”) to sewn cloth books (perfect for making baby gifts), concertina-style books featuring multiple folds to hand-stitched leather journals. There’s something for every interest and skill level, and the clear, easy-to understand instructions will have you hunting around your house to see what you can turn into a book next.
Here’s an “Instant Book” I whipped up for myself after reading How to Make Books. It’s just a single sheet of paper, turned into a sweet little inspiration book full of fabric and ribbon scraps with just a bit of super-easy folding and cutting. Next on my “Books to Make” list? The “Cake Box” book made with a cardboard cake mix box as the cover.
Visit Purgatory Pie Press to purchase How to Make Books directly from Esther K. Smith–it’ll even arrive signed and accompanied by a free gift.
Bind Used Office Paper into a Stab-Stitched Book

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Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.

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