Everyone please give a warm welcome to Matt Richardson! He’ll be making videos and posting here at Make: Online. Matt is a long-time sci-tech lover and maker. In his childhood, he wrote computer games in BASIC and then as a teenager he worked as a science demonstrator at The Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia. Currently, he works in New York City’s television industry, but spends much of his free time tinkering with electronics and shooting photos and video. As an avid runner and swimmer, he has completed the New York City Marathon four times and competes in US Masters swim meets and open water swims. He can be found on Twitter at @MattRichardson or MattRichardson.com.
Matt auditioned for our open video maker call (still open, BTW) and now he’s releasing project videos here on the site and through MAKE’s YouTube channel with 190K subscribers. Welcome to the team, Matt!
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