Skill Builder: Physical Computing Fabrication Tips from ITP

Craft & Design Education Technology
Skill Builder: Physical Computing Fabrication Tips from ITP

Jeff Feddersen, an adjunct professor at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program asked his colleagues in the department about fabrication tips for interactive projects. Above, ITP faculty member Benedetta Piantella talks about finding enclosures online and modifying them with a laser cutter. She also shares how to use a drill to twist wires together to create a wire harness with multiple conductors.

Tom Igoe, ITP faculty member and author of Making Things Talk, shows how he takes a project from breadboard to perfboard to enclosure in the video below. Also check out his quick lesson in wire wrapping.

Designer and ITP Resident Research Fellow Ben Light shows how he uses acrylic and standoffs to make his perf board projects a bit more complete:

ITP Resident Research Fellow Luisa Pereira shares some tips she picked up while constructing her beautiful sequencers:

ITP Alumni Dongsoo is planning a large-scale installation using Lego Technic:

And here’s me with a hodgepodge of fabrication tips for physical computing beginners:

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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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