Stitch Wars Exhibit Opens Tonight

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The Stitch Wars exhibit at Bear and Bird in Lauderhill, Florida with a reception this evening from 7 to 10 PM. We’ve featured a few of the individual pieces that have been created for the show (like Heidi Kenney’s plush Tauntaun, Kit Lane’s needle felted Jabba the Hut and Yummy Pancake’s Wookie Cookies) but now all the pieces for the show have been published in a Flickr set from Bear and Bird. There’s a fantastic variety of craft styles and applications, and all are fun and unique. Pieces not sold during tonight’s reception will be made available through the Bear and Bird web site starting Monday.
1. Dianna Oates; Thanks Lucas, 2. Sammi Resendes; Group Shot, 3. Marilyn Patrizio; Jedi Training, 4. Kerry Tikiwoo Tichenor; Showing Off His Saber, 5. Little Critters; Jawa Critters Group, 6. Brenda Burton; Imperial Cocktail Hat FRONT, 7. Pinkypunk; Chewbacca, 8. Ninon; Princess Leia, 9. Vicki Wiltshire; Star Wars Finger Puppets (shown on hand), 10. Amanda Linton; I am Your Baker Apron

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