The inimitable Evan Roth wants to bring your graffiti tag to giant digital display systems all across Europe, as part of the Media Facades Festival. Here’s how to submit yours:
1) Digitally capture your graffiti tag using the free (and open source) Graffiti Analysis Capture Application (HOW TO guide here). Your tag will be saved in Graffiti Markup Language format (.gml). (Additional info on capturing your tag is provided below).
2) Upload the .gml file of your tag to 000000book.com, an open repository for sharing and archiving motion captured graffiti tags. Create an account and add the keyword ‘mff2010’ to all tags you would like considered for public display. Other related keywords such as name and location are suggested but not required.
3) On August 1, 2010, I will begin making selections based on tags submitted under the keyword ‘mff2010’. I will try to highlight as many tags as possible, although this will depend on the number of entries and display time available. Everyone is welcome to submit, but preferential treatment will be given to graffiti writers.
4) I will send this data to collaborators in the Media Facade Festival for public display. Tags will be displayed on large scale highly public digital displays from August 27 to Oct. 2. Potential places your tag might show include the 7,536 screens in the 1,106 coaches in the Berlin Subway, the BBC Big Screens in Liverpool and the Gasometer Nightscreen in Berlin.
Submissions can be made anytime from now until July 31, 2010.
Hackers / developers interested in getting involved, please refer to the Graffiti Analysis source code and wish list.