The Kitchen is often called “The Heart of the Home”. The models in this collection will help you cook, clean, and organize. In the future, maybe the most important tool in this vital room of your home will be your 3D printer.
With the help of your 3D printer, you can create tools to help make cooking a snap. Customizable designs can allow you to create your own cookie cutters or chocolate molds. Try setting the table with a salt and pepper pig for your next big family function and see what kind of reactions you get.
In relation to cooking, the great Alton Brown once said “Organization will set you free”. Use these items to help get your kitchen in order. Mount your tea bags in an easily accessible cases. Try turning a blank wall in your kitchen into a spice rack for easy storage and access while cooking.
Keeping your kitchen clean is crucial to keeping your food safe. These models will help keep your kitchen neat and tidy.
Egg Cups
If breakfast is the most important meal of the day why not enjoy it with the help of your 3D printer? For those of you who enjoy soft boiled eggs for breakfast, here are a few egg cups to liven up the experience.
Keep following the rest of the week as we continue our journey around the house.
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