Have you tried a removable magnetic printing surface for your 3D printer? On Makers Muse, Angus Deveson takes a look at the Easy-Peelzy (ugh) magnetic print bed for FDM 3D printers. Angus was already a fan of removable print surfaces, but had only worked with rigid ones. The Easy-Peelzy is a flexible mat that has a magnetic side and a side that’s designed for the print to confidently stick to.
The great benefit of a flexible print surface is that, once the print is complete, you can remove the mat and simply bend it away from the print to separate them. This certainly beats all of the scraping and prying on a fixed bed.
One drawback, which Angus points out, is that the magnetic side will begin to demagnetize at high temps, so you don’t want to run above around 176-degrees F.
As Angus also points out in the video, if you do a search on “magnetic print bed” on AliExpress, you’ll find plenty of other vendors selling the same material. The price seems to be in the same ballpark as Easy-Peelzy, too, around US$13.