Look out Mickey: Orange County Mini Maker Faire This Weekend

3D Printing & Imaging Craft & Design Education Technology
Look out Mickey: Orange County Mini Maker Faire This Weekend

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Who needs Disneyland when you’ve got the Orange County Mini Maker Faire in nearby Irvine, Calif. this weekend?

With more than 70 maker exhibits, about 3,000 expected attendees, and big support from event co-sponsor Edtric, it should be a great day of making. Here’s a preview of some of the makers and organizers who will be showing their stuff:

A butchery-themed guitar from Soundbox.

Soundbox Guitars, based in Aliso Viejo, was popular at last year’s fair and are excited to be coming back again. Jason Farthing makes guitars from cigar boxes and other materials and uses them to play music in his band The Budrows. You can hear some sweet sounds from last year’s event. This year Jason is expanding his booth to include demos on how to make your own cigar box guitar.

Airwolf 3D is a family owned 3D printer and service provider in Costa Mesa. They are printing custom-made 3D badges for makers and volunteers this year.

A view of the Arxterra dashboard.

Huntington Beach’s Arxterra has developed open source, low cost robots which can be controlled from anywhere via cell phone. They also have the idea to create a network of parks all over the world where makers can send their remotely controlled robots to play, create, and explore. Read more about them here.

Edtric is an engineering-focused makerspace located in Irvine. Wess Gates offers a variety of classes and workshops as well as access to engineering software, CNC milling equipment, 3D printers, and more. At this weekend’s fair, they will be offering an advanced version of the learn to solder booth that includes electronics. Attendees will walk away with a working robot that they made. Read more about them here.

A view inside Vocademy.

Riverside’s Vocademy is a plush makerspace that offers a wide variety of classes and workshops including basic machine shop safety, welding, woodworking, model making, motorcycle customization, computer classes, electronics classes, bicycle maintenance, and much more. Lots more info about them here.

The Hello World Program is an educational puppet show that teaches robotics, electronics, puppetry, programming, and digital media. It is the creative effort of brothers Jared, Clark and JR Nielsen. Have a look at what they do:

The fair will also feature a “Steampunk Plaza” that includes the “Gears & Roebuck Emporium,” purveyor of fine steampunk attire and easy-to-assemble kits. There will also be a micro “Steam Encampment” where fairgoers can attend free workshops and demos on how to create steampunk costumes using thrift shop finds. At 4pm there will be a fashion show of DIY clothes.

Beat that, Mickey!

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

View more articles by Stett Holbrook
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