We assembled an awesome crew from across the country, including:
- Leaders of 3D printer build groups
- Superusers of different printers
- Designers
- Artists
- Teachers of design and technology
- New users who don’t have printers
- Engineering students
- Makerspace 3D printing trainers and operators
Meet the Team
Anna Kaziunas France led this year’s 3D printer shootout and coordinated MAKE’s reviews of printers, scanners, and more. She’s director of the Providence Fab Academy, dean of students for Fab Academy Global, co-author of Getting Started with MakerBot, and editor of the forthcoming Make: 3D Printing book. You can find her online at kaziunas.com.
Kacie Hultgren is a Thingiverse superstar and a scenic designer in the theater industry, using her MakerBot to make amazing furniture and details for scale models. She’s also an online instructor in “Design for Desktop 3D Printing” at Maker Training Camp. Find her creations at prettysmallthings.com.
Anderson Ta is a digital fabrication expert. By day he oversees the dFab Studio at the Maryland Institute College of Art. By night, he operates Matterfy LLC, promoting and evangelizing 3D printing hardware. He’s led some of the very first 3D printer workshops in the USA. Chances are good that you’ve run into him at the many Maker Faires around the country.
Matt Griffin, the leader of last year’s shootout, is director of community and support at Adafruit Industries, a former MakerBot community manager, and author of the forthcoming book Design and Modeling for 3D Printing.
John Abella, an obsessive hobbyist and 3D printer enthusiast, has run 3D Printer Village at World Maker Faire New York since 2010 and wrote for the first MAKE Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing. He’s currently preparing to teach 3D printer assembly workshops with BotBuilder.net.
Eric Chu, MAKE Labs engineering intern and resident 3D printer guru, is also an engineering student, yo-yo hacker, robot builder, and fried rice aficionado.
Matt Stultz is the leader of the 3D Printing Providence group, founder of HackPittsburgh, and a MakerBot alum, with experience in multimaterial printing and advanced materials.
Tom Burtonwood is an artist and educator at Columbia College and the School of Art Institute of Chicago. He is co-founder of Chicago’s The 3D Printer Experience hybrid makerspace and retail store. His work has been exhibited from Brooklyn to Miami to Los Angeles to Osaka and can be seen at tomburtonwood.com. Tom also co-founded Improbable Objects and participated in the MakerBot MET#3D Hackathon at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Lyra Levin is a climber, aerialist, contortionist, parkour noob, and Ninja 500 rider. She is a compulsive builder of things and member of industrial arts collective Ardent Heavy Industries.
Chris McCoy is a 3D printing instructor at TechShop San Francisco. He is also co-founder of You3Dit, a distributed global network of 3D printers and CAD designers.
Blake Maloof is a game designer at Toys for Bob (Skylanders), and authored the Tinkercad tutorial in the first MAKE Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing.
Eric Weinhoffer is the Maker Shed product development engineer. He’s been an owner-operator of 3D printers since interning at MakerBot in 2009.
Ben Lancaster is an engineering student and MAKE Labs alum.
James Christianson produces video for MAKE and does 3D modeling and animation on the side. He is working with an eight-person team to build a prototype 3D-printed Iron Man suit.
Derek Poarch is a computer engineer with emphasis in mechatronics and embedded systems. He is creating his own large-build 3D printer.