Simplify3D announced that they are releasing their visual troubleshooting guide for 3D printing. This guide could prove to be invaluable to anyone who’s a beginner, fine tuning their printer or software settings, or frustrated with annoying print issues.
Simply put, this is the best 3D printer troubleshooting guide I’ve seen yet.
Anyone who has had experience 3D printing will tell you that there is a common list of problems that nearly everyone experiences at some point. We’re all familiar with the pain points, and answering questions about them on public forums becomes an oft-repeated task. Questions like “Why are there odd gaps where my infill meets my perimeter?” and “How do I get this first layer to stick?” are asked quite frequently. This troubleshooting guide may help to considerably speed up the process of tuning your printer.
While the solutions listed to these common problems do include specific settings for the Simplify3D slicing software, the company was nice enough to also explain the common reasons for these issues, allowing you to utilize this for whatever software you are currently using.
The large, well photographed pictures make it easy to understand exactly what they are referring to, a task that can be quite difficult when many of these issues sound very similar when describing them. For example, the holes in floor corners above could easily be confused for gaps in the infill and outline if it weren’t for a nice clear picture.
Enthusiasts may also point out that there has been a somewhat visual troubleshooting guide available on the Reprap Project wiki for some time. However, the one from the RepRap community is a bit of a mess to navigate and find your issue.
I really like how Simplify3D has approached this, and have noticed a few tweaks I could probably make on my own machines! I’ll be pointing people who are new to 3D printing to this guide in the near future.
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