Fender Jazzmaster-Style Guitar, Built from Scratch

CNC & Machining Music Woodworking
Fender Jazzmaster-Style Guitar, Built from Scratch


This gorgeous homemade electric guitar, modeled after the Fender Jazzmaster, was built by someone* who documented the process from start to finish on Imgur. They started with a 2″ slab of alder wood, and from there they planed, jigsawed, wired, sanded, sealed, primed, lacquered, buffed, and copper shielded their way to the finished pale green guitar, which is quite handsome. After going through the whole painstaking process, the maker comments at the end: “Whew…. I kind of want to build another…. Am I a sadist?”

* I can’t seem to find the name of this maker. If anyone knows it or can find it, please share it in the comments.

Cavity routes
The maker started with a Jazzmaster bridge, but by the end they had replaced it with a Mustang bridge.
Copper shielding in the body cavity. The copper looks great against that pale green.
“The block from whence it came.”
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