Most parents, when picking out a “vehicle” for their young children, decide to go with an off-the-shelf bike or battery powered car. If, however, you are imgur user sidewayzsilvia, you buy a ’32 Ford roadster body (a small one) and modify a pedal chassis sourced from eBay to fit perfectly.
Although sourcing the parts and fitting the chassis is impressive, the real beauty of this build were the aesthetic touches to the body. The front apparently didn’t look enough like a ’32 Ford, so sidewayzsilvia had to modify it, using a charcoal grill grate to make the grill look more realistic.
The exterior paint job is truly amazing, and started off with several base coats of primer, then two coats of gold paint. After this, the car was masked so the red paint could be properly applied. Finally, five clear coats gave it its finish. Undercoating and paint were also applied to the interior, as fiberglass flying around the driver never makes for a fun day on the road (or sidewalk).
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