Over the next two weekends we have the final set of events in our series of regional Young Maker/Open Makes in the San Francisco Bay Area leading up to Maker Faire Bay Area. At last, this month the two public events are on different Saturdays, so you can go to both! Each event offers a range of activities that starts at 10am and ends with an inspiring “meet-the-makers” panel discussion. Registered Young Makers will share their Maker Faire projects in progress in a plussing session. This will be our final set of Young Makers events until next season, so if you’re not already on our mailing list, be sure to sign up to hear about future Young Maker events.
This Saturday, April 13 at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, Jay Silver will show you how to play your drawings with Sketch It! Play It!, one of his latest inventions growing out of his work with Intel’s Start Making! initiative, as well as Drawdio, Reactable Mobile, Singing Fingers, and the ok2touch jacket. Jay will be a stone’s throw from a giant version of his mega-popular MaKey MaKey. It’s been super-sized by our friends at Lawrence Hall of Science, as seen in this picture (below) from an event at the Hall in February. Dave Merrill, co-founder of Sifteo, will delight you with those playful cubes in the picture at the top of this post. Students from the Menlo School’s Applied Science Research class will strum their stuff with a variety of musical projects they’re working on for Maker Faire. Learn more about the Featured Makers or the event.
On April 13, we have a second excellent Young Makers gathering at the same time, This one, at The Bay School in San Francisco, is open to registered Young Makers only. The theme of that meeting is Exhibition. You can read more tantalizing details about the Bay School Young Makers meeting here.
Next Saturday, April 20, Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science hosts their last Open Make @ the Hall of the spring on the theme of Tiny: “Bring your little things and get inspired by the big impact your mini-creations can have.” This event coincides with a campus-wide Cal Day. Jennifer Jordan-Wong of the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse upcycles mint tins. The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network will help you make your own gummy capsule, play with smart metals, make a liquid crystal sensor, and experiment with superhydrophobic surfaces. Finally, Sam Burden cleans up NISE’s gummy capsules with some hungry, robotic cockroaches.
Both museums offer free museum admission on Open Make days for themselves and one adult mentor for registered Young Makers. Additional family members get into the museum at the group rates.
Whether you can come to an event this weekend (or next) or not…
If you are a young maker interested in creating your own project to exhibit at Maker Faire this year or someday in the future, just fill out our registration form to get started.
And catch up with what happened at our earlier events by reading the Young Makers blog or take a peek at the Hall’s amazing Bike-themed Open Make @ the Hall in March, including Maker celebs from Cyclecide and Rock the Bike.