Make: Books Author Takes Honorable Mention in SPARK Competition

Make: Books Author Takes Honorable Mention in SPARK Competition

EK01 Earth & Space Science Kit Prototype

Congratulation to Robert Bruce Thompson, author or co-author of many Make: Books, including Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders, Illustrated Guide to Home Forensic Science Experiments, and Building the Perfect PC:

Robert Bruce Thompson (The Home Scientist, LLC; Winston-Salem, NC) has won an honorable mention in the prototype category of the Science, Play and Research Kit (SPARK) Competition, for his “EK01 Earth and Space Science Kit.” The competition, sponsored by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Society for Science & the Public, challenged entrants to create the equivalent of a new chemistry set for the 21st century. Winners were selected in two categories: prototypes – projects that are operational and demonstrable – and ideations – fleshed out project ideas that have not yet been developed into prototypes, but have a strong potential for development.

EK01 will provide the equipment, chemicals, specimens, and instructions for performing experiments in geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, astronomy, as well as environmental and plant science. The kit will require you to bring a few things of your own, such as a binocular or small telescope, pocket scale, and some common household items.

Thompson’s The Home Scientist already offers many great science kits to go along with Thompson’s books (including Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments and Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments). The photo above shows the tentative components of the new kit, but it’s subject to change. Keep an eye on the Home Scientist store for this upcoming offering.

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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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