DIY Steel Pipe Menorah

Fun & Games
DIY Steel Pipe Menorah
Uriel’s sister, Rachela, having fun with the menorah.

Last year, Avi Solomon of Kfar Saba, Israel, built this steel pipe menorah with his 7-year-old son, Uriel. Avi explains his pre-Hanukkah motivation:

I was looking to provide my 7 year old son Uriel with a maker angle on the central artifact of the holiday, the Menorah. The Maccabees had hastily hacked together their Menorah by using hollow iron spearheads and I also wanted to capture this improvisational aspect of making the Menorah. Inspired by Joe Grand’s Pipe Menorah we set off to the nearest hardware store to make one of our own.

They finished it off with some LED candles on top, and voila! A fun Hanukkah project for the family.


[Spotted in the Make: Flickr Pool]

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