New Video Series: Making Fun with Jeff Highsmith

Arduino Fun & Games Technology
New Video Series: Making Fun with Jeff Highsmith

Today we’re launching a new video series: Making Fun with Jeff Highsmith.

Jeff Highsmith.

Jeff is a North Carolina-based maker who says he’s guided by curiosity and a passion for learning. He says his ideal project would lead him to learn new things, make good use of his existing skills, involve the creative use of materials (too much MacGyver growing up), and result in a fun contrivance that the world has yet to see.

He was introduced to electronics through amateur radio at age 11, but didn’t start the hard-core tinkering until his first son was born and he realized he wouldn’t be spending as much time outdoors hiking and backpacking.

In the Making Fun video series, Jeff hopes to inspire folks to cultivate their own creativity by showing them how easy it is to make fun toys and gadgets. With two boys aged 3 and 5, he has toys on the brain, and most of his projects involve creating or enhancing play possibilities.

In his first video, Jeff modifies a race car set with an Arduino, servo, and sensors to act as a speedometer and deploy a police car when a racer breaks the speed limit. The code for the project is on GitHub. Enjoy.

See the entire series here.

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

View more articles by Stett Holbrook
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