DIY Castle Bunk Bed

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DIY Castle Bunk Bed
Awesome castle bunk bed created by dear old Dad.
Awesome castle bunk bed created by dear old Dad.


One father decided that his two little girls simply could not live without a pink castle of their own, so he created an awesome, DIY Castle Bunk Bed with his own two hands and the extraordinary power of his imagination!

See the picture above for the finished product. There is also a slide and other nooks and crannies for playing. As you can see from the picture below and the final product, this father actually built it up to spec. Hence, I’m imagining that this is what happens if highly-skilled men are off work for too long.

I’m pretty envious but happy that two children get the best Christmas present of 2014.

SketchUp mock of the castle bunk bed, complete with slide.
SketchUp mock of the castle bunk bed, complete with slide and side stairs.

For more of the process pictures go to the Imgur gallery  for this bed.


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