This post is coming to you live from the Saint Malo Mini-Maker Faire—the first Maker Faire in France—being held at the IUT de Saint-Malo here this weekend.
I talked to makers Serge Porcher—President de l’association les amis de l’ile du Guesclin—and Jacques Pichon—a teacher at the Lycées de La Fontaine des Eaux à Dinan—at the Saint Malo mini-Maker Faire about the Île du Guesclin which Serge’s father, and more recently Jacques and enthusiastic students from his school, have made self-sufficient.
Jacques commented that,
The island is iconic, it symbolises exactly what you’d imaging when you think about sustainability. It’s making at human scale, reconsidering the basic needs—water, heating—creating a low cost solution, and making a difference on a small scale.