Just for Dad: Father’s Day Gift Guide

Just for Dad: Father’s Day Gift Guide


Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16. If you haven’t gotten anything for your dad yet and you were thinking of just picking up a tie and calling it done, I want to encourage you to rethink that. As a dad, I can say with some authority that dads really don’t really like wearing ties. I mean, it’s a tight knot around your neck. Strange custom. Some of us have to wear them at work, but that doesn’t mean we like them or enjoy getting them as gifts.

So instead of something that reminds your dad of work, how about a father’s day gift that appeals to his sense of fun and making? Better yet, how about a gift that will allow you and your pops to make something together?

With that in mind we present our 2013 father’s day gift guide. The list contains what we think are practical and enjoyable gifts for dads who like getting their hands dirty and making stuff.

Meanwhile, if you’re a dad or make something with your dad this weekend, please document your activities, take some pictures, and send us your story. We’ll follow up with a blog post featuring some the best projects. Send us a note at editor@makezine.com with “Father’s Day on MAKE” in the subject line. Tweet us with #DadMakes or post your project on on Google+.

Happy father’s day and happy making.

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

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