PunkinBot – The CNC Pumpkin Carving Machine

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PunkinBot – The CNC Pumpkin Carving Machine
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Why carve a pumpkin when you can build a machine to do it for you? Using an EMSL Egg-Bot for inspiration, the VanDiepenbos family scaled it up in order to make a pumpkin carving robot called the punkinBoT. This is a video of their machine’s first cut at Maker Faire Detroit. It’s a bit wobbly, but looks like it’s doing the job nicely. I especially like the severed arm on the cutter head. Very fitting!

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I am the Evangelist for the Maker Shed. It seems that there is no limit to my making interests. I'm a tinkerer at heart and have a passion for solving problems and figuring out how things work. When not working for Make I can be found falling off my unicycle, running in adverse weather conditions, skiing down the nearest hill, restoring vintage motorcycles, or working on my car.

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