Maker Faire Moscow is a festival for people who make, those who literally creating something out of nothing. These makers help initiate new design trends in various industries, educate and develop cities, organize innovative startups and experimental labs, and push the boundaries of technology and art. Yet, anyone can become a maker; you just need the desire to create things with your own hands using traditional or modern tools.
This year, the third annual Maker Faire Moscow festival coincides with the celebration of Moscow’s birthday. On September 8th and 9th, 2018, the largest international festival highlighting the fusion of the latest technologies and traditional crafts will be held in Gorky Park through the support of the Garage Museum. Gorky Park and the Garage Museum, 2 of the festival’s partners, both have the desire to support various initiatives and experiments, as well as an interest in creating infrastructure for the most comfortable creative environment possible in Moscow.
Over 200 participants, «makers», will demonstrate their achievements and reveal the secrets of their skills throughout the weekend.
Self-printing printer
The NUST MISIS digital production laboratory – the organizer of the event and Russia`s oldest FabLab – will present its large 3D-printers Printzilla and Mothra, printing with plastic.
FabLab and Renca will also unveil their joint project – a printer capable of printing both small architectural forms and large buildings from geopolymer concrete.
Ecology is one of the most important trends among makers.
A micro-line for processing household plastic will be presented at the Moscow Maker Faire. The metallic shredder at the NUST MISIS FabLab crushes plastic bottles (and other plastic waste) into flakes.
Fantastically-friendly dinosaur
Modern technology has been able to (kind of) recreate the long-extinct animals: Yuri Kvint, a permanent member of Moscow Maker Faire, will present his new dinosaur design that has unbelievable realism and incredible friendliness.
This machine recognizes its owner`s face
The visualization and materialization of emotions, thoughts, and desires has become possible thanks to neuroelectronic interfaces. This prototype for facial recognition to give access to equipment management will be presented at the festival. Similar to world analogues used by large corporations such as Google and Facebook, this development operates using neural networks.
Light in the Dark room
The «dark room» exposition will bring together projects that emit light across the entire width of the visible spectrum. The fluorescent installations, LEDs, glowing costumes and paintings, art objects, and works from set designers will be presented here. The program will also include laser shows and light performances.
Technologies to help produce plants and food in cities—greenhouses and growboxes, green salads and ripe berries—will warm your heart almost as much as your dacha. This will be especially interesting to engineers and biochemists, designers and architects, and entrepreneurs and urbanists interested in smart landscape gardening and urban gardens.
Art production
Art and technology have always been interconnected: the Digital Fabrication Art zone unites projects of Moscow artists implemented with the help of modern digital production tools.
Multi-faced machines
Machines That Make exposition will bring together Russian and international designs both simple and complex, table and garage digital production machines such as milling machines, lasers, printers and incredible self-produced items.
A more detailed program will be published on the event`s official website .
Admission is free, but registration is required go here to register!