Anyone who spends any amount of time watching project videos on YouTube is aware of how makers have been pushing the envelope, playing with formats and production values, trying to create project videos that are fun, entertaining, and clever (as well as educational). Viewers are likely also aware of the many collaborative projects and challenges that get traded among the YouTube maker community. These two things come together impressively on Foolfly, a series of project videos now being produced by seven talented YouTubers.
The videos take place in a world, Foolfly, that is a spoof of Firefly, the short-lived sci-fi/western series that retains a rabid online fandom. In the YouTube series, Brett McAfee, Al from Al’s Hack Shack, Ellen from Crafts with Ellen, Jessie Uyeda, The Redsmith, Steve of Moonshine Metalworks, and Jasmin Devonshire of Bear and Antler make projects (so far, a knit hat, a battle axe, a blade, and a holster for a laser blaster) while roleplaying the main characters from Firefly.
I’m not sure, if you aren’t a fan of the Firefly series, whether the fanfiction wrappers they’ve created for these episodes will make much sense. But it doesn’t really matter. It’s still good, goofy fun, and the minimal plot line and roleplaying don’t really get in the way of the projects themselves, which is the real reason you’re likely watching these.
Here are the first four episodes. I am looking forward to see where they take this. And how other video producers might be inspired by their creative example.
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