What an incredible journey the Arduino concept has been. Remember when we proclaimed that The Arduino is Here To Stay after they sold 10 thousand units? Well, now they’ve sold over 10 million, and they want to celebrate.
They are announcing the Arduino Uno Mini Limited Edition. A pint sized nod to the ubiquitous Arduino Uno.
This is part development board and part collectors item as each of the limited units will be numbered and delivered in a fancy box.
And since it is an Arduino, and we know you’re not just going to leave it in the collectors box forever, here are the specs so you can start to plan.
UNO Mini Limited Edition Specs
- Microcontroller: ATmega328P
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Input Voltage: 6-20V
- Digital I/O Pins: 14
- PWM I/O Pins: 6
- Analog Input Pins: 6
- Flash Memory: 32KB
- SRAM: 2 KB
- Clock Speed: 16MHz
- Dimensions: 34.2mm x 26.7mm x 8mm
Preorders are open now and the price is set at $45
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