I’m not surprised about the popularity of Sean Michael Ragan’s PVC dyeing technique write-up on Make: Projects. So many projects we feature use this boring white pipe because of its low price, widespread availability, and versatility. Since PVC doesn’t take paint very well, this PVC dyeing technique is perfect for adding those crucial finishing touches to a project to make it more polished.
This technique can also be used with many plain white extension cords. Of course, you can purchase colored extension cords, but with Sean’s technique, you can get that perfect shade of blue you’re looking for. And our amazing readers have taken it even a step further. Take for example, Elizabeth, who has used Sean’s technique to create these tie-dye style and star-spangled extension cords.
Even if you’re not picky about the color of your extension cords, you could use this technique to identify different plugs after the inevitable ball of electrical cord spaghetti is formed underneath your computer desk or TV console. If you’ve got a great way to use this technique, leave a comment!
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