How-To: Dalek Smash Cake & Doctor Who-Themed Birthday Party

I have to admit, I wasn’t familiar with smash cakes before I saw this tutorial for making a Dalek smash cake, but now I can’t think of a more perfect kind of cake for a kid’s party. Sarah of PeaPillyBean made the Dalek cake for her son’s Doctor Who themed birthday party and shares how it came together. The young boy smashed the cake shell with a wooden sonic screwdriver (hello, awesome!) and the kids excitedly joined in to eat away at the candy tentacled Dalek inside. That’s just all kinds of perfection right there. Even if you aren’t a Doctor Who fan, the same concept could be used to make any kind of smash cake. Kids (and adults) would go nuts over a cake you can smash apart to find a treasure inside. See how you can create an interactive cake over on Sarah’s blog.
Be sure to read back through her recent archives, where she shares all the details of this rad Doctor Who birthday party that even included a fish fingers and custard tasting, sonic screwdriver-making session, and a trip to the TARDIS. I know it’s not right to be jealous of an 8-year-old’s birthday party, but …
[via @bonniegrrl]
Dalek Birthday Cake
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