Make: Talk #007 show notes & next episode (today, 12-noon PDT!)

Make: Talk #007 show notes & next episode (today, 12-noon PDT!)

Last week, we had Nathan Seidle on the show, from SparkFun, talking about the company, how it all got started, and about the recent Autonomous Vehicle Competition that was just held at SparkFun HQ. SparkFun will, of course, be at Maker Faire, so look for Nathan and company there.

Our Hosts Picks:
As always, we also talked at the top of the show about what’s going on at Maker Media and in the world of DIY.

Mark was on about his chickens and how they’d recently ended up on the business end of a coyote’s K9s. One of the family’s beloved birds, Ethel, required $200 worth of sutures n’ surgery. Mark came home after a day at the vet’s to a lovely chicken meal he’d loaded into the crock pot in the morning. No, NOT Ethel, or any of the other family birds. They don’t eat them. The girls name them and get too attached. But they do enjoy the eggs. We all shook our silly human heads at how we can blow $200 on pampered family fowl while merrily wiping the grease from a grocery store bird from our lips. Ethel is now recovering nicely, BTW.

Dale was in Madrid, Spain, so once again, the most-awesome Goli Mohammadi, associate managing editor of MAKE and CRAFT, joined us. She talked about how jazzed she was by the wooden turntable we’d posted about earlier in the week. She also talked about the re-posting of the “Unsafe at any amperage” piece, the debate over the infamous “anti-gravity lifter” project we pulled from MAKE a few years back which sparked (er… no pun intended) a heated debate all over again when Goli reposted it.

My pics were the announcement of the discovery of extra-solar planets in the “Goldilocks zone” of a red dwarf, Gliese 581, some 20 light years away, the first such find from the recently-launched Kepler telescope, and the posting I’d just done before going on the air of the Jansen Walker, an Arduino-driven, laser-cut walking mechanism, inspired by the Strandbeest, Dutch artist Theo Jansen’s kinetic sculptures/mechanical beach creatures. Becky Stern chimed in via IM to inform me that I was mangling Jansen’s name. It’s pronounced Te-oh Yon-son. Good to know.


Make: Talk #008 w/ Erik Knutzen & Kelly Coyne, Friday, May 1, 12-noon PDT

This week on Make: Talk, Mark, Dale and I will be joined by Erik Knutzen and Kelly Coyne of Homegrown Evolution. We’ll be talking to them about small-scale urban agriculture, and their book, Urban Homestead, from Process Media.

As always, we’ll also be taking calls from listeners and talking about MAKE, the upcoming Maker Faire, and news from the world of DIY, so please join us

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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