
Share the Repair

Share the Repair with Wayne Seltzer

A lifelong fixer himself, Wayne Seltzer started the U-Fix-It Clinic in Boulder, Colorado to help others learn to fix things. Wayne helped put the “you” in Fixit Clinics, making sure they empowered people to learn to do the repairs themselves rather than having an expert do it for them.

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Visualizing How Current and Voltage Behave in a Mag Loop Antenna

Visualizing How Current and Voltage Behave in a Mag Loop Antenna

Ace electrical engineer, Jeri Ellsworth, is back to deep-nerding science and technology on YouTube.

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Watch These Electronic Badges Evolve

Watch These Electronic Badges Evolve

Designed for Burning Man and powered by Orchard, these badges mimic genetics. When two badges come into contact, their light pattern changes.

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Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station

Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station

We talk to the creators of SatNOGS, an open source and open hardware satellite ground station built using a 3D printer, off the shelf components, and $300.

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Amateur Radio Buffs’ Quest to Connect Quake-Ravaged Nepal

Amateur Radio Buffs’ Quest to Connect Quake-Ravaged Nepal

How amateur radio buffs distributing gear aided earthquake recovery in Nepal.

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