Makers Making #WeekendProjects

Makers Making #WeekendProjects

It dawned on us recently that we now have 52 beginner-friendly projects to choose from in our Weekend Projects series. That’s a project-a-weekend!

From battery-less radios to experimental 555 motor circuits, we can say with confidence we likely have something for everyone. We have projects for both fun and function when it comes to solar power. We have projects for turning light into sound and for turning ultrasonic sound into light (so to speak). And it’s always great to see what makers pick up and run with, whether they build our projects step-by-step or modify them entirely for novel new purposes. Below is a sample of what makers have been up to recently:

New Mexico-based filmmaker Veronica Black built these breadboard Drawdios.
New Mexico-based filmmaker Veronica Black built these breadboard Drawdios.

Indonesian makers associated with desproITS and WAFT-Lab lead a Drawdio workshop. Pictured: Cahyo Prayogo.
Indonesian makers associated with desproITS and WAFT-Lab lead a Drawdio workshop. Pictured: Cahyo Prayogo.

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Prior to our Hangouts On Air to discuss the Optical Tremolo, YouTuber Rob Cosentino built this pretty remarkable mod, which uses blank dummy discs and a dis-used CD player motor similar to Chuck’s version. Also, it sounds great!

Zagreb-based maker Deborah Hustic
Shortly after our Song Devocalizer HOA, Zagreb-based maker Deborah Hustic posted her version of the project. She also wrote, “It’s super cool, we have now a mini party with it. It works great with radiohead, kanye west and grinderman :) balkan turbo folk not possible to conquer :) make it!”

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Poland-based maker Krzysztof C. built another version of the Drawdio, with an informative step-by-step on

Potted Plant Protector
After tweeting the release of the Potted Plant Protector, UK-based maker Bassdread sent us this shot of his rig for monitoring chili seedlings and the environment around them. Cobbled together from various suppliers the whole monitoring station costs around $16 and gathers lots of data (see image below).



Belgium-based maker A. Platyrhynchos also sent us these shots of their Potted Plant Protector monitoring system, built around an ATmega328p.


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Brigham Young University student Dallin Briggs modified the Touchless 3D Tracking Interface for interfacing with the SeaPerch ROV, with the simple sketch code for controlling three DC motors available here.

We’ll be discussing the 3D Tracking Interface during a Hangouts On Air on December 13th. Be sure to follow +MAKE on Google+ to watch for the event.

Congratulations to all the makers who have built or modified our Weekend Projects series of beginner-friendly electronics builds. Whether you’re learning or you’re a skilled builder looking for a side project to experiment with, be sure to document your process making and get in touch with us – you could be featured on the MAKE blog!

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I'm an artist & maker. A lifelong biblioholic, and advocate for all-things geekathon. Home is Long Island City, Queens, which I consider the greatest place on Earth. 5-year former Resident of Flux Factory, co-organizer for World Maker Faire (NYC), and blogger all over the net. Howdy!

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