This playable Angry Birds cake from Mike Cooper of ElectricPig is a birthday dream for most any kid (and, who are we kidding, adult). Watching 6-year-old Ben fire away cake birds and clobber the structures is loads of fun, and they’ve even included a how-to for making your own playable Angry Birds cake. [via Laughing Squid]
Angry Birds is quite the inspiration for projects these days, and we’ve got a roundup of some of our favorites we’ve shared here on the blog. We also have a fun Angry Birds exclusive needle felting project from Brookelyn coming up tomorrow, so the timing couldn’t be more perfect. See all the Angry Bird fun after the jump!
Tune in tomorrow for Brookelyn’s how-to for needle felting some of the Angry Birds characters!
Angry Birds in Lego
Angry Birds Cake