There U Glow Proves You Can Do Tech - Make: There U Glow Proves You Can Do Tech - Make:

There U Glow Proves You Can Do Tech

Education Maker News
People milling around a camp at night lit up with dazzling LED signs. Tables are set up with various guides, displays, and activities.

The prolific Claire Danielle Cassidy (featured) is at it again, this time proving that anyone can do technical things whether they fit the typical profile or not. She’s heading up the popular There U Glow electronics camp at this year’s SOAK festival in Tygh Valley, Oregon. This is the beautiful kind of camp tailor-made for people traditionally left out of Engineering. Claire describes it better than I could:

“There U Glow is a rare women, trans, femme & queer technical educational space. We specialize in helping folks with their busted glowing/technical needs. We do this by enticing folks into our orbit through the magic of glowing, rainbow LED lights and what it takes to run them.”

In the past, the camp has taught soldering, animated LED art, and electronics repair. The excellent model features hands-on experience and gives away lots of supplies. It keeps growing, but now they have fewer resources to grow with. So there’s a GoFundMe to help get things like LEDs, batteries, and infrastructure to keep the camp going strong. If you’re in the area, try to check it out in person. And if you’re not, you can donate to the cause and learn more about the camp and the awesome plans it has for the future.

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Sam Freeman builds and writes about fun things, and has a healthy obsession with chai. Learn more at

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