You Want to go to Santiago

You Want to go to Santiago

We are just 11 days out from the second edition of the Santiago Mini Maker Faire—South America’s first Maker Faire! This year the fair will host 100 local makers presenting their projects, from robotics, music, 3D printing, crafting, tesla coils, to a giant cardboard dog.

The fair is held outside in front of Santiago’s natural history museum in a central city park. It is summer in the southern hemisphere, so makers and attendees alike will enjoy a big open area and two big circus tents, plus a music stage with bands playing all weekend.

The presentation lineup features talks on 3D printing to “Crowdfunding Your Ideas.” MAKE editor Matt Richardson will be in town presenting, as will I.

For those who want to learn, organizers (from STGO Makerspace) have programmed many workshops like learn to solder, silkscreening, and stop motion animation. And lots of fab activities for family and kids: the Nerdy Derby making and racing zone, a hula hoop area, and a water balloon cage!

Register for the free-to-attend good time and let the Santiago team know you’re on your way!  


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Sabrina is the Maker Faire Program Director. She works on stage content for the flagship fairs (Bay Area & New York), and also runs Maker Faire's global licensing program for locally and independently produced Maker Faires. She also co-creates the East Bay Mini Maker Faire in her town, Oakland, CA.

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