Your Projects: Six Awesome Projects Shared by MAKE Readers

Your Projects: Six Awesome Projects Shared by MAKE Readers

“Your Projects” is a column that features some of the awesome creations our readers have been making. These projects from our readers come from the MAKE Google+ Community and beyond.

On our Google+ page, Daniel McGregor shared some highlights from the recent Maker Faire Hannover.

David Watts shares:

I decided to mod my lovely old radio (actually only 1993 or 96 but it still looks vintage) to use as a portable MP3 player speaker. I wanted to keep the radio functionality and not damage the radio, so I opted for an extra amplifier. I chose a quick and easy solution, I bought a cheap lm386 mini mono amplifier board from ebay and basically shoved it in there.

I also had to sum the stereo signal, essentially mixing it together to input into the amp.


Chris Savage shares:

Its a (sort of) Discrete LiFePO4 Charger. Its going to be the building block for a PIC smart Charger. The Tiny little IC to the left is a Current Sense IC..Which For some reason doesnt work properly. I actually realized I could just sense R4 and dont need the current sense circuitry.


Last week Alex Larson was “just playing around on a CNC.”


On the Maker Camp community, we saw this:

We made a Spin-bot at the Woodbury Library! We took turns adding parts. We also made a rocket glider but it crashed much too early and lost a wing! Luckily we put together smaller non-rocket gliders and made them do all sorts of tricks.


To wrap up we’ll show camper Daphne Barretto’s project, with its succinct caption: “Motor.”

Like these projects? Be sure to sound off in the comments! Your project could be in next week’s column.

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In addition to being an online editor for MAKE Magazine, Michael Colombo works in fabrication, electronics, sound design, music production and performance (Yes. All that.) In the past he has also been a childrens' educator and entertainer, and holds a Masters degree from NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

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