In high school and college, I was a camp counselor almost every summer, and I highly recommend it! It’s such a rewarding experience and you make so many lifelong friends. So when I found out (from CRAFT’s Rachel Hobson) that they’re looking for counselors for Space Camp, I had to share. So many makers would make fantastic counselors!
The Space Camp mission is to use the excitement of the U.S. space program to stimulate young people’s interests in the study of math, science, technology, and aviation. These immersive programs place students in a real world context allowing them to view math and science as something more than just an academic exercise- allowing them to recognize these subjects as tools to develop future careers as scientists, engineers, teachers, astronauts, and pilots. By combining cutting edge technology with hands on learning our counselors inspire young men and women to dream big and to work hard to make those dreams a reality.