If jellyfish aren’t taking over the planet, they’re certainly making a good go of it. They’re clogging nuclear plant outputs and filling up the sea, and entrepreneurs are exploring them as a source of food and even diapers. But now, thanks to Jellykeepers, they’re invading our homes as well — as pets.
These aren’t the Sea-Monkeys of an earlier generation. Growing jellyfish might not seem like a rousing good time, but Travis Brandwood, who has been keeping them for three years, would disagree. There are unique challenges in getting them to live and proliferate, and each species has its own attractions.
Team jellykeepers will be at Maker Faire Bay Area, with displays of homemade aquariums and homegrown jellyfish, and sharing plans for converting regular aquariums to jellyfish tanks. Brandwood and his co-host Daniel Muonio keep many species personally, and plan to bring up to six to Maker Faire.