Around one month remains to enter the PSoC Pioneer Challenge presented by Cypress Semiconductor and Arrow Electronics. This contest will award one lucky maker with $2,500 for travel to Maker Faire Bay Area’s 10th anniversary event in mid-May. While some makers are already advancing to the debugging stage of their own PSoC 4 BLE designs, Cypress is beginning to roll out 100 Projects in 100 Days for this new development board. This is really exciting — it will be very similar to the 100 Projects in 100 Days they ran in mid-2013 with element14, only this time the project designs will take advantage of Bluetooth Low Energy, and by extension, mobility and Android/iOS applications.
The existing projects already include GAP and Dynamic broadcasters, a health thermometer, a heart rate sensor, CapSense Proximity, and more. They’re advancing a little more quickly than the non-BLE projects did, as there’s already a wealth of documentation to build upon, and the components now available in their PSoC Creator software offer more flexibility and control than before.
So head on over to the microsite at Cypress and scroll down to the Design Examples section to keep track of — and be inspired by! — 100 Projects in 100 Days built with the PSoC 4 BLE Pioneer Kit. You can also track and fork the code for individual projects from this PSoC 4 BLE tree on Github.
The team from Cypress are also at Embedded World 2015 in Germany through Thursday, so if you’re in Nuremberg you should stop by, say hello, and check out their #PSoCMaker Lab.
Enter the PSoC Pioneer Challenge and you could win $2,500 for travel to Maker Faire Bay Area in May. Projects should include the PSoC 4 BLE kit from Cypress Semiconductor. This new development board includes Bluetooth and CapSense, along with a software IDE that makes building for the IoT both challenging and fun .