Arduino Near-Field Communication

Arduino Technology
Arduino Near-Field Communication

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NASA Chief Technologist Mason Peck

Don Coleman demonstrates using both Adafruit‘s and Seeed Studio‘s NFC shields to read Near-Field Communication (NFC) tags.

NFC is a lot like RFID, in that the there’s a “tag” that is activated by the proximity of a reader and transmits data back — 1K of data, with most of that going to the actual tag. However, NFC has a much shorter range: under < 10cm, ideally < 1cm, and oftentimes when the the reader and tag are physically touching.

The technology is fascinating, and Don does a great job at describing it and its theoretical uses. It’s a great talk from Maker Faire New York on the Electronics Stage. By the way, Don is co-writing a book on NFC with Tom Igoe and Brian Jepson that looks promising!

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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